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DAMACUSENI: Maramures County

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International Jewish Cemetery Project - Romania D-F US Commission number: RO/MM/0301. also see TIRGU LAPUS

Alternate Hungarian name: Domokos. Located at 47°27' 23°55' in Maramures County about 2 km from Tirgu Lapus. Cemetery: Coming from Tg. Lapus, the cemetery is reached by turning right off the main road at the 'Y' junction at the center of the village. The main road turns to the left; and a dirt track continues to the right. The cemetery is visible on the right, 100m from the road, approximately 400m after the last house in the village. Present total town population: 900-1,000. No Jewish population.

Local Officials: Comunitatea Evreilor (Baia Mare), Str. Somesului Nr. 5, 4800 Baia Mare, Jud. Maramures, Romania Tel: (40-62) 211-231.

Regional officials: Comunitatea Evreilor (Bucuresti), Str. Sf. Vineri 9-11, Bucuresti; Tel: (40-1) 157-441.

Cemetery is not locked. Listed on Satu Mare community list, the cemetery receives relatively good care by the Molnar family. Although there is no fence or gate, the Molnars attempt to prevent flock grazing in the cemetery and regularly clear vegetation from the site. Stones are found in 20% of the cemetery area. The Molnars say that it was never 'full', but it is likely that some stones have been removed. Caretaker: Maria Molnar, Damacuseni #94, 4886 Damacuseni Jud. Maramures, Romania. Tel: (40-62) 465-007. Ildico and Sandor Molnar currently care for the cemetery, Maria Molnar is Sandor Molnar's mother. Damacuseni residents are mostly Hungarian; and the most common surname is 'Molnar'. Jewish people known from the town were Dr. Salamon (pediatrician), who left for Israel sometime before 1990, and Mr. Lazar, who had three sons - Shloim, Moise and Hershe. Moise played 'all kinds of music', but left for Israel (with his family?) in 1965 or 1966. There was a synagogue in the village at one time.

The isolated rural (agricultural) hillside with no sign or marker is reached by public road and is open to all. A hedge, trees or bushes and no gate surround the cemetery. Present size is approx. 302 square meters. Compared to 1939, the cemetery boundaries enclose the same area probably. The greatest threat to the cemetery is weather erosion. Most of the stones are of soft stone. Much of the writing is worn away.22 limestone and sandstone gravestones are in the cemetery with 18 in original location, 3 not in original location and 7 broken or toppled. Some stones may have been removed from the cemetery and incorporated in roads or structures in Damacuseni. Vegetation overgrowth is not a problem. Water drainage at the cemetery is good all year. The common gravestones are shaped and smoothed with Hebrew inscribed. No known mass graves. A private individual owns the property now used for animal grazing. Properties adjacent to the cemetery are agricultural and residential because the cemetery is located in a village residential setting, e.g. houses with adjacent gardens, orchards and pastures. The cemetery is visited rarely by private visitors. The cemetery was vandalized occasionally in the last ten years. Theft was primarily a problem encountered between 1945 and the present. Current care is clearing vegetation. Fallen stones were moved to the side of the hedge boundary. Care by local non-Jewish residents and unpaid caretaker is seasonal clearing vegetation. No structures. Security (uncontrolled access) and weather erosion are slight threats.

Completing this survey on 17 April 2000 were John DeMetrick and Christina Crowder, (formerly of Cluj, they have no further information) . They used a list of known Jewish cemeteries in Baia Mare. Other documentation will be supplied later. They visited the site in April 2000 and conducted interviews with Ildico and Sandor

PETERITEA: Maramures County

US Commission No. ROCE-0360 Map

Alternate Hungarian name: Petoet. Located in Maramures County at 47°25' 23°44', 30.0 km SSE of Baia Mare and approximately 10 km from Tirgu Lapus. The site is visible from the main road through the village to Vima Mica on the right just after the War memorial in the center of the village.

Responsible for site: Comunitatea Evreilor (Baia Mare), Str. Somesului Nr. 5, 4800 Baia Mare, Jud. Maramures, Romania. Tel: (40-62) 211-231. Comunitatea Evreilor (Bucuresti), Str. Sf. Vineri 9-11, Bucuresti, Tel: (40-1) 157-441.
Caretaker: Flore & Gheorghe Florian, Peteritea nr. 93, Com. Vima Mica, Jud. Maramures, Romania. Gheorghe Florian is listed on the Baia Mare Community list as the caretaker, but he has recently passed away and Flore Florian currently looks after the cemetery.
The cemetery in Peteritea (Petoret) is in a kitchen garden about 1m. below the main road (on the right hand side) through the village towards Vima Mica. The caretaker reported that about two years ago a large truck fell over the margin of the road into the cemetery, knocking down several stones. The possibility of another similar accident (the road shoulder widens at this point and is a favored parking spot for trucks) is the main threat to the site. Otherwise, Mrs. Florean clears vegetation from the site every year, and there appears to be little danger that further stones will be taken.
The cemetery location is rural (agricultural), on flat land, and isolated with no sign or marker. Reached by turning directly off a public road, access is open to all.Hedges, tress, and bushes surround the cemetery. No fence or gate. Present cemetery size is 169 square meters (Baia Mare List), approximately 10x30m.

Sixteen limestone and sandstone flat-shaped, smoothed and Hebrew-inscribed gravestones are in cemetery, regardless of condition or position with 14 in original location, and 4 broken or toppled. Six stones leaning. Stones probably were removed and incorporated in roads or structures. Vegetation and water drainage are not a problem. The site is owned by a private individual and is used for an orchard and house yard. Properties adjacent to the cemetery are agricultural and residential, located in a village residential setting, e.g. very near to houses with adjacent gardens, orchards and pastures. The site is visited rarely by local residents. The cemetery is known to have been vandalized occasionally in the last ten years and between 1945 and ten years ago. Care: seasonal clearing vegetation by local non-Jewish resident unpaid caretaker. Uncontrolled access and weather erosion are slight threats.

John DeMetrick and Christina Crowder, (formerly of Cluj, they have no further information) , completed this survey in April 2000 using a list of cemeteries known by the Jewish Community in Baia Mare. They visited the site on 9 April 2000 and interviewed Flore Florean, Peteritea nr. 93, Com. Vima Mica, Jud. Maramures. She is 69 years old.


Table of Contents

[Pages 179-187]
List of Martyrs from Tîrgu Lăpuš, Romania
Translations by Judy Petersen

name(s) First
names Maiden
name Gender Marital
status Father's
name Mother's
name Spouse's
name Residence Location
during the war Remarks and
additional family Page
ADLER Sije User M Married Malcsi Tîrgu Lăpuš 179
ADLER Malcsi INDIG F Married Sije User Tîrgu Lăpuš 179
ADLER Ite F Sije User Malcsi Tîrgu Lăpuš 179
ADLER Mendel M Sije User Malcsi Tîrgu Lăpuš 179
ADLER David M Sije User Malcsi Tîrgu Lăpuš 179
ADLER Eszter F Sije User Malcsi Tîrgu Lăpuš 179
ADLER Rifka F Sije User Malcsi Tîrgu Lăpuš 179
APPEL Alter M Married Tîrgu Lăpuš 179
APPEL F Married Alter Tîrgu Lăpuš 179
ABRAHAM Jozsef M Married Tîrgu Lăpuš Shamash. 179
ABRAHAM Dina F Married Jozsef Tîrgu Lăpuš 179
ARON David M Married Gitel Tîrgu Lăpuš 179
ARON Gitel F Married David Tîrgu Lăpuš children 179
BERKOVITS Csarne F Widow Izrael Tîrgu Lăpuš On the list is written Aunt Csarne. 179
BERKO Sandor M Married Malvin Tîrgu Lăpuš 3 children 179
BERKO Malvin F Married Sandor Tîrgu Lăpuš 3 children 179
BERKOVITS Simon Duved M Married Tîrgu Lăpuš 3 children 179
BERKOVITS F Married Simon Duved Tîrgu Lăpuš 3 children 179
BERKOVITS Kiraly Lajos M Married Tîrgu Lăpuš 5 children 179
BERKOVITS F Married Kiraly Lajos Tîrgu Lăpuš 5 children 179
BERKOVITS Fischel Dudi M Married Tîrgu Lăpuš 2 children 179
BERKOVITS F Married Fischel Dudi Tîrgu Lăpuš 2 children 179
BERKOVITS Abraham M Married Tîrgu Lăpuš 179
BERKOVITS F Married Abraham Suciu de Sus Tîrgu Lăpuš 179
BERKOVITS Smil Zindel M Married Channa Tîrgu Lăpuš 179
BERKOVITS Channa F Married Smil Zindel Tîrgu Lăpuš 179
BERKOVITS Roize F Smil Zindel Channa Tîrgu Lăpuš 179
BERKOVITS Seindel F Smil Zindel Channa Tîrgu Lăpuš 179
BERKOVITS Nachmen M Smil Zindel Channa Tîrgu Lăpuš 179
BERKOVITS Rifka F Tîrgu Lăpuš 179
BERKOVITS Fischel M Tîrgu Lăpuš 179
BIENER F Widow Jakab Tîrgu Lăpuš grandson 179
BIENER Mordchai M Jakab Tîrgu Lăpuš 179
BIENER Mose M Jakab Tîrgu Lăpuš 179
BIENER Herzke M Married Bluma Tîrgu Lăpuš 3 children 179
BIENER Bluma F Married Herzke Tîrgu Lăpuš 3 children 179
BIENER Leopold M Married Tîrgu Lăpuš 179
BIENER F Married Leopold Tîrgu Lăpuš 179
BIENER Baruch M Married Flora Tîrgu Lăpuš 179
BIENER Flora F Married Baruch Tîrgu Lăpuš 179
BECKMANN F Married Geza Strîmbu-Băiuţ Tîrgu Lăpuš children 179
BERNATH Ferenc M Married Gizi Tîrgu Lăpuš 3 children 179
BERNATH Gizi BIENER F Married Ferenc Tîrgu Lăpuš 3 children 179
BERNATH F Widow Samuel Tîrgu Lăpuš 179
BERNATH Wolf M Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 179
BERNATH Mendi M Wolf Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 179
BERNATH Szonya F Wolf Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 179
BERNATH Szure F Wolf Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 179
BERNATH Chaje F Wolf Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 179
BERNATH Rafael M Wolf Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 179
BERNATH Eizik M Wolf Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 179
BIRO Dr. Samu M Married Gizi Tîrgu Lăpuš 179
BIRO Gizi SCHWIMMER F Married Samu Tîrgu Lăpuš 179
BURGER Jozsef M Married Chaje Tîrgu Lăpuš 179
BURGER Chaje F Married Jozsef Tîrgu Lăpuš 179
RIFF Sarolta BURGER F Jozsef Chaje Tîrgu Lăpuš 179
RIFF Mojse M Sarolta Tîrgu Lăpuš 179
RIFF Zoli M Sarolta Tîrgu Lăpuš 179
BURA F Widow Salamon Tîrgu Lăpuš 179
BURGER Szeren F Herman Hermann Tîrgu Lăpuš 179
BURGER Dvora F Herman Szeren Tîrgu Lăpuš 179
BURGER Izrael M Herman Szeren Tîrgu Lăpuš 179
DAN Hajnal KAUFMANN F Izidor Tîrgu Lăpuš 179
DAVID F Mordechaj Debrek Tîrgu Lăpuš 179
DAVID Szima F Mordechaj Debrek Tîrgu Lăpuš 179
DAVID Rachel F Mordechaj Debrek Tîrgu Lăpuš 179
DAVID Cipora F Mordechaj Debrek Tîrgu Lăpuš 179
DAVID Lea F Mordechaj Debrek Tîrgu Lăpuš 179
DAVID Abraham M Married Tîrgu Lăpuš 2 children 179
DAVID F Married Abraham Tîrgu Lăpuš 2 children 179
DAVID Mihaly M Married Tîrgu Lăpuš 3 children 180
DAVID F Married Mihaly Tîrgu Lăpuš 3 children 180
DAVID Luzer M Mihaly Tîrgu Lăpuš 180
DASZKAL F Widow Jankel Olahlapos Tîrgu Lăpuš 180
DEUTSCH Pal M Tîrgu Lăpuš grandson 180
DEUTSCH Ilu F Pal Tîrgu Lăpuš 180
DEUTSCH Leizu M Pal Tîrgu Lăpuš 180
DEUTSCH Hermann M Married Tîrgu Lăpuš children 180
DEUTSCH F Married Hermann Tîrgu Lăpuš children 180
DAVID Smil Duved M Married Debrek Tîrgu Lăpuš 8 children 180
DAVID F Married Smil Duved Debrek Tîrgu Lăpuš 8 children 180
DAVID F Debrek Tîrgu Lăpuš Mother of Smil Duved DAVID. 180
DAVID Sije M Married Debrek Tîrgu Lăpuš children 180
DAVID F Married Sije Debrek Tîrgu Lăpuš 180
DEUTSCH Elek M Married Rozsi Tîrgu Lăpuš 180
DEUTSCH Rozsi MARKOVITS F Married Elek Tîrgu Lăpuš 180
DEUTSCH Ocsi M Elek Rozsi Tîrgu Lăpuš 180
DOPPELT F Widow Leopold Tîrgu Lăpuš 180
DOPPELT Ben Cion M Married Tîrgu Lăpuš children 180
DOPPELT F Married Ben Zion Tîrgu Lăpuš children 180
DOPPELT Zalmen Leib M Tîrgu Lăpuš 180
DOPPELT Saje Wolf M Tîrgu Lăpuš 180
DUB Malcsi BERKOVITS F Widow Jantel Olahlapos Tîrgu Lăpuš 180
DUB Smil M Married Gitel Olahlapos Tîrgu Lăpuš 6 children 180
DUB Gitel F Married Smil Olahlapos Tîrgu Lăpuš 6 children 180
DUB Chajim Leib M Olahlapos Tîrgu Lăpuš 3 children 180
DUB Herman M Olahlapos Tîrgu Lăpuš child 180
DUB Mojse M Married Tobe Olahlapos Tîrgu Lăpuš 6 children 180
DUB Tobe F Married Mojse Olahlapos Tîrgu Lăpuš 6 children 180
DUB Libe F Tîrgu Lăpuš 3 children 180
DUB Rizse F Samu Olahlapos Tîrgu Lăpuš 180
EDRICH F Widow Hermann Tîrgu Lăpuš 180
Simi M Tîrgu Lăpuš Grandson of Herman EDRICH. 180
Szuri M Tîrgu Lăpuš Grandson of Herman EDRICH. 180
EDRICH Sarika F Widow Karoly Tîrgu Lăpuš 180
EDELSTEIN Duved M Married Tîrgu Lăpuš On the list is written KUFAJER. 180
EDELSTEIN F Married Duved Kufajer Tîrgu Lăpuš 180
FARKAS Leopold M Married Szara Tîrgu Lăpuš 6 children 180
FARKAS Szara DOPPELT F Married Leopold Tîrgu Lăpuš 6 children 180
FEINTUCH Izsak M Married Tîrgu Lăpuš child 180
FEINTUCH F Married Izsak Tîrgu Lăpuš child 180
FERENCZ Marton M Married Zseni Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 180
FERENCZ Zseni F Married Marton Zseni Marton Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 180
FERENCZ Icu M Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 180
FERENCZ Slimu M Marton Zseni Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 180
FUCHSZ Karoly M Married Blanka Tîrgu Lăpuš 180
FUCHSZ Blanka FRIED F Married Karoly Tîrgu Lăpuš 180
FUCHSZ Pulyuka Karoly Blanka Tîrgu Lăpuš 180
FUCHSZ Herman M Married Roza Tîrgu Lăpuš 180
FUCHSZ Roza F Married Herman Tîrgu Lăpuš 180
FUCHSZ Jakab M Tîrgu Lăpuš 180
FULOP Mendel M Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 180
FULOP Rifka Chaja F Tîrgu Lăpuš 180
FRIEDMANN Izsak M Married Suciu de Sus Tîrgu Lăpuš children 180
FRIEDMANN F Married Izsak Suciu de Sus Tîrgu Lăpuš children 180
FRIEDMANN Szeren F Suciu de Sus Tîrgu Lăpuš 180
FRIEDMANN Meilach M Married Malka Debrek Tîrgu Lăpuš 180
FRIEDMANN Malka F Married Meilach Debrek Tîrgu Lăpuš 180
FRIEDMANN F Widow Tîrgu Lăpuš 180
FRIEDMANN Channa Lea F Tîrgu Lăpuš 180
FRIEDMANN Riven Chajim M Tîrgu Lăpuš 180
GANCZ Kalman M Strîmbu-Băiuţ Tîrgu Lăpuš 181
GOLDSTEIN F Widow Elje Tîrgu Lăpuš 181
GOLDSTEIN Roza F Elje Tîrgu Lăpuš 181
GOLDSTEIN F Jozsef Tîrgu Lăpuš 2 children 181
GOLDSTEIN F Tîrgu Lăpuš On the list is written MURESANKE. 181
GOLDSTEIN N M Married Tîrgu Lăpuš 181
GOLDSTEIN F Married N Tîrgu Lăpuš 181
GROSZ Rabbi Aron M Married Beilcsu Tîrgu Lăpuš Chief Rabbi. 2 children 181
GROSZ Beilcsu F Married Aron Tîrgu Lăpuš 2 children 181
GROSZ Joikel M Aron Beilcsu Tîrgu Lăpuš 181
GANCZ Dora F Strîmbu-Băiuţ Tîrgu Lăpuš 3 children 181
GLUECK Zelde F Tîrgu Lăpuš 181
GROSZMANN Mariska FUCHS F Jozsef Tîrgu Lăpuš child 181
GRUENSTEIN Chune F Alsószöcs Tîrgu Lăpuš 181
GRUENSTEIN Majer Hersch M Married Chajcse Tîrgu Lăpuš 181
GRUENSTEIN Chajcse F Married Majer Hersch Tîrgu Lăpuš 181
GRUENSTEIN Ide Leib M Hersch Majer Chajcse Tîrgu Lăpuš 181
GRUENSTEIN Avrum Mendel M Married Alsószöcs Tîrgu Lăpuš children 181
GRUENSTEIN F Married Avrum Mendel Alsószöcs Tîrgu Lăpuš children 181
GRUENSTEIN Jakab M Married Hani Tîrgu Lăpuš 181
GRUENSTEIN Hani NASCH F Married Jakab Tîrgu Lăpuš 181
GRUENSTEIN Ida F Jakab Hani Tîrgu Lăpuš 181
GRUENSTEIN Hinde Bruche F Jakab Hani Tîrgu Lăpuš 181
GRUENSTEIN Ilonka F Sulem Tîrgu Lăpuš 181
GRUENSTEIN Ide F Sulem Ilonka Tîrgu Lăpuš 181
GRUENSTEIN Mordechaj M Sulem Ilonka Tîrgu Lăpuš 181
GRUENSTEIN Noemi F Sulem Ilonka Tîrgu Lăpuš 181
GERO Libe F Widow Mihaly Tîrgu Lăpuš 181
GLUECK Lazar M Married Lea Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 181
GLUECK Lea F Married Lazar Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 181
GLUECK Rozsi F Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 181
GLUECK Jeno M Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 181
GLUECK Frida F Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 181
GLUECK Ita F Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 181
GLOSER Majer M Married Erzsebetbanya Tîrgu Lăpuš 181
GLOSER F Married Majer Erzsebetbanya Tîrgu Lăpuš 181
HALPERT F Widow Pinkasz Tîrgu Lăpuš 4 children 181
HALPERT Berta F Tîrgu Lăpuš 181
HALPERT Gizi F Berta Tîrgu Lăpuš 181
HALPERT Marton M Berta Tîrgu Lăpuš 181
HALPERT Jakab M Berta Tîrgu Lăpuš 181
HALPERT Slomo M Berta Tîrgu Lăpuš 181
HARNIK Dr. Lipot M Married Malvin Tîrgu Lăpuš 181
HARNIK Malvin KERTESZ F Married Tîrgu Lăpuš 181
HENZEL Mihaly M Married Jolan Tîrgu Lăpuš 181
HENZEL Jolan SIMON F Married Mihaly Tîrgu Lăpuš 181
HENZEL Eszti F Tîrgu Lăpuš child 181
HERMANN F Leib Alsószöcs Tîrgu Lăpuš children 181
HARFENESZ F Widow Jozsef Tîrgu Lăpuš 181
HARFENESZ Bluma F Jozsef Tîrgu Lăpuš 181
HARFENESZ Leibi M Jozsef Tîrgu Lăpuš 181
HARFENESZ Chaja F Jozsef Tîrgu Lăpuš 181
HARFENESZ Chana F Jozsef Tîrgu Lăpuš 181
HARFENESZ Rachel Lea F Jozsef Tîrgu Lăpuš 181
HARFENESZ Sulem M Jozsef Tîrgu Lăpuš 181
HARFENESZ Freide F Jozsef Tîrgu Lăpuš 181
HARFENESZ Szruli M Jozsef Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš Shochet. On the list is written " the Shochet of Domokos". 181
HERSKOVITS Mariska KAUFMANN F Chaim Leizer Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 181
HERSKOVITS Chaje F Chaim Leizer Mariska Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 181
HERSKOVITS Szure F Chaim Leizer Mariska Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 181
HERSKOVITS Szruli M Chaim Leizer Mariska Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 181
HERSKOVITS Malke F Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 7 children 181
HIRSCH Lazar M Married Ita Rogoz Tîrgu Lăpuš the first Lazar HIRSCH. 182
HIRSCH Ita F Married Lazar Rogoz Tîrgu Lăpuš 182
HIRSCH Joska M Lazar Ita Rogoz Tîrgu Lăpuš 182
HIRSCH Jakab M Lazar Ita Rogoz Tîrgu Lăpuš 182
HIRSCH Lazar M Married Rifka Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš the second Lazar HIRSCH. 3 children 182
HIRSCH Rifka F Married Lazar Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 3 children 182
HIRSCH F Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš mother of the second Lazar HIRSCH. 182
HIRSCH Ichak M Lazar Rifka Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 182
HIRSCH Gersi M Lazar Rifka Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 182
HUBERT F Widow Mordechaj Strîmbu-Băiuţ Tîrgu Lăpuš 182
HUBERT Regina F Mordechaj Strîmbu-Băiuţ Tîrgu Lăpuš 182
HUBERT Lajos M Married Cili Tîrgu Lăpuš 182
HUBERT Cili MARKOVITS F Married Tîrgu Lăpuš 182
HOLLAENDER Jeno M Married Tîrgu Lăpuš 3 children 182
HOLLAENDER F Married Jeno Tîrgu Lăpuš 3 children 182
INDIG Rachel BERKOVITS F Widow Jozsef Tîrgu Lăpuš 182
INDIG Mariska KAUFMANN F Geza Tîrgu Lăpuš 4 children 182
INDIG Mihaly M Married Tîrgu Lăpuš children 182
INDIG F Married Mihaly Tîrgu Lăpuš children 182
INDIG Lazar M Married Hani Tîrgu Lăpuš 182
INDIG Hani F Married Lazar Tîrgu Lăpuš 182
INGBER Szure F Strîmbu-Băiuţ Tîrgu Lăpuš 2 children 182
INGBER Aron M Married Strîmbu-Băiuţ Tîrgu Lăpuš 2 children 182
INGBER F Married Aron Strîmbu-Băiuţ Tîrgu Lăpuš 2 children 182
INGBER F Salamonn Strîmbu-Băiuţ Tîrgu Lăpuš 2 children 182
INGBER Jakab M Tîrgu Lăpuš 182
INGBER Helena F Jakab Strîmbu-Băiuţ Tîrgu Lăpuš 182
IZSAK Ida LAZAR F Widow Jozsef Tîrgu Lăpuš child 182
IZSAK Jeno M Married Libus Tîrgu Lăpuš 182
IZSAK Libus SIMON F Married Jeno Tîrgu Lăpuš 182
IZSAK Erno M Jeno Libus Tîrgu Lăpuš 182
IZSAK Simon M Married Ilonka Tîrgu Lăpuš children 182
IZSAK Ilonka F Married Simon Tîrgu Lăpuš children 182
IDEL F Widow Adolf Tîrgu Lăpuš 182
IDEL F Adolf Tîrgu Lăpuš 182
TEITELBAUM Iduka IDEL F Adolf Tîrgu Lăpuš 182
IDEL Marci M Adolf Tîrgu Lăpuš 182
IZRAEL Adolf M Married Tîrgu Lăpuš 182
IZRAEL F Married Adolf Tîrgu Lăpuš 182
JEREMIAS F Widow Jozsef Tîrgu Lăpuš 2 children 182
JEREMIAS Aron M Married Eszter Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 182
JEREMIAS Eszter F Married Aron Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 182
JEREMIAS Gizi F Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 182
JEREMIAS Icu M Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 182
JAJNA Samuel M Married Elye Laje Tîrgu Lăpuš 182
JAJNA Elye Laje F Married Samuel Tîrgu Lăpuš 182
JAJNA Jaszi M Samuel Elye Tîrgu Lăpuš 182
JAKAB Ilonka F Widow Tîrgu Lăpuš 182
JAKAB Elje M Ilonka Tîrgu Lăpuš 182
JAKAB Lazar M Married Tokes Tîrgu Lăpuš 182
JAKAB F Married Lazar Tokes Tîrgu Lăpuš 182
JAKAB Nachmen M Married Chaje Olahlapos Tîrgu Lăpuš 2 children 182
JAKAB Chaje F Married Nachmen Olahlapos Tîrgu Lăpuš 2 children 182
JAKAB Lea F Olahlapos Tîrgu Lăpuš child 182
JAMBERGER Jakab M Married Frida Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 182
JAMBERGER Frida F Married Jakab Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 182
JAMBERGER Mili F Jakab Frida Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 182
JAMBERGER Feigi F Jakab Frida Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 182
JUNGER Samuel M Married Tokes Tîrgu Lăpuš children 182
JUNGER F Married Samuel Tokes Tîrgu Lăpuš 182
KATZ F Widow Arje Tîrgu Lăpuš 6 children 182
KARL Lajos M Married Szeren Tîrgu Lăpuš 182
KARL Szeren HUEPSMANN F Married N Lajos Tîrgu Lăpuš 182
KARL Mihaly M Lajos Szeren Tîrgu Lăpuš 182
KARL Berci M Lajos Szeren Tîrgu Lăpuš 182
HUEPSMANN N M Tîrgu Lăpuš 182
KARL Berta BERKOVITS F Widow Mihaly Tîrgu Lăpuš 183
KARL Roza KURLAENDER F Lazar Tîrgu Lăpuš 183
KARL Aranka DONNENBERG F Geza Tîrgu Lăpuš 183
KARL Tamas M Geza Aranka Tîrgu Lăpuš 183
STRUL Gizi KARL F Mano Tîrgu Lăpuš 183
MENDELSOHN Piri KARL F Samu Tîrgu Lăpuš 183
KAUFMANN Helen GLUECK F Mozes Tîrgu Lăpuš 183
KAUFMANN Vigder M Mozes Helen Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 183
KAUFMANN Feigi F Mozes Helen Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 183
KAUFMANN Szuri F Mozes Helen Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 183
KAUFMANN Chune M Married Eszti Tîrgu Lăpuš 5 children 183
KAUFMANN Eszti MARKOVITS F Married Chune Tîrgu Lăpuš 5 children 183
KAUFMANN Juda M Married Tîrgu Lăpuš child 183
KAUFMANN F Married Juda Tîrgu Lăpuš child 183
KAUFMANN F Widow Mihaly Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 183
KAUFMANN VIEDER Rozsi F Tîrgu Lăpuš 183
KAUFMANN Rozsi F Rozsi Tîrgu Lăpuš 183
KAUFMANN Miki M Rozsi Tîrgu Lăpuš 183
KAUFMANN Edit F Rozsi Tîrgu Lăpuš 183
KAUFMANN Mojse M Rozsi Tîrgu Lăpuš 183
KAUFMANN Abraham Jozsef M Married Szara Olahlapos Tîrgu Lăpuš 5 children 183
KAUFMANN Szara F Married Abraham Olahlapos Tîrgu Lăpuš 5 children 183
KAUFMANN Rachel F Widow Vigder Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 183
KLEIN Izsak M Married Eszter Sztojka Tîrgu Lăpuš 183
KLEIN Eszter MOLDOVAN F Married Izsak Sztojka Tîrgu Lăpuš 183
KLEIN Bela M Izsak Eszter Sztojka Tîrgu Lăpuš 183
KLEIN Rezso M Izsak Eszter Sztojka Tîrgu Lăpuš 183
KLEIN Izsak M Married Erzsebetbanya Tîrgu Lăpuš 5 children 183
KLEIN F Married Izsak Erzsebetbanya Tîrgu Lăpuš 5 children 183
KLEIN F Simonn Strîmbu-Băiuţ Tîrgu Lăpuš child 183
KLEIN F Widow Hermann Erzsebetbanya Tîrgu Lăpuš 183
KLEIN Jaszi M Hermann Erzsebetbanya Tîrgu Lăpuš 183
KLEIN Eszti F Hermann Erzsebetbanya Tîrgu Lăpuš 183
KLEIN Ilona F Hermann Erzsebetbanya Tîrgu Lăpuš 183
KLEIN Ali M Hermann Erzsebetbanya Tîrgu Lăpuš 183
KOHN DUB F Widow David Olahlapos Tîrgu Lăpuš 2 children 183
KURLAENDER Bozsi F Tîrgu Lăpuš 183
KESZTNER F Abraham Tîrgu Lăpuš 183
KESZTNER Fischel M Abraham Tîrgu Lăpuš 183
KESZTNER Jide M Abraham Tîrgu Lăpuš 183
KESZTNER Mirjam F Abraham Tîrgu Lăpuš 183
KIRALY Matild F Tîrgu Lăpuš 183
LAUFER Rabbi Izsak M Married Rifcsu Tîrgu Lăpuš Rabbi. children 183
LAUFER Rifcsu F Married Izsak Tîrgu Lăpuš children 183
LAX Leopold M Married Tîrgu Lăpuš 183
LAX F Married Leopold Tîrgu Lăpuš 183
LAX Zanvel M Married Tîrgu Lăpuš children 183
LAX F Married Zanvel Tîrgu Lăpuš children 183
LAZAR Zelma MATYAS F Widow Jozsef Tîrgu Lăpuš 183
LAZAR Pepi F Tîrgu Lăpuš 183
LAZER Simon M Married Pepi Tîrgu Lăpuš 183
LAZER Pepi INDIG F Married Tîrgu Lăpuš 183
LAZER Lajos M Simon Pepi Tîrgu Lăpuš 183
LICHTENSTEIN Nathan M Married Libus Tîrgu Lăpuš 5 children 183
LICHTENSTEIN Libus LAX F Married Nathan Tîrgu Lăpuš 5 children 183
LIPNER Chajim M Married Tîrgu Lăpuš Soda water manufacturer. 8 children 184
LIPNER F Married Chajim Tîrgu Lăpuš 8 children 184
LOGER Chajim M Married Tîrgu Lăpuš 184
LOGER F Married Chajim Tîrgu Lăpuš 184
LOGER Mose M Chajim Tîrgu Lăpuš 184
LOGER Leibi M Chajim Tîrgu Lăpuš 184
LOEBL Smil Lezer M Married Tîrgu Lăpuš 184
LOEBL F Married Smil Lezer Tîrgu Lăpuš 184
LOEBL Sprince F Smil Lezer Tîrgu Lăpuš 184
LOEBL Dina F Smil Lezer Tîrgu Lăpuš 184
LOEBL Rachel F Smil Lezer Tîrgu Lăpuš 184
LOEBL Slojme M Married Tokes Tîrgu Lăpuš children 184
LOEBL F Married Slojme Tokes Tîrgu Lăpuš children 184
LOEBL Mordechaj M Married Tokes Tîrgu Lăpuš children 184
LOEBL F Married Mordechaj Tokes Tîrgu Lăpuš children 184
MARK Gitel MARKOVITS F Widow Samuel Tîrgu Lăpuš 184
MARK Simon M Samuel Gitel Tîrgu Lăpuš 184
MARK Jidesz Tîrgu Lăpuš 2 children 184
MARK Senye F Tîrgu Lăpuš children 184
MARK Mojse M Married Tîrgu Lăpuš 184
MARK F Married Mojse Tîrgu Lăpuš 184
MARK Regina F Suciu de Sus Tîrgu Lăpuš 184
MARK Leopold M Married Roza Tîrgu Lăpuš 184
MARK Roza FARKAS F Married Leopold Tîrgu Lăpuš 184
MARK Pinchasz M Leopold Roza Tîrgu Lăpuš 184
MARK Mendel Szrul M Leopold Roza Tîrgu Lăpuš 184
MATYAS Mendel M Răzoare Tîrgu Lăpuš Timber merchant. On the list is written FAS. 184
MATYAS Hercke M Married Zefi Tîrgu Lăpuš 3 children 184
MATYAS Zefi F Married Hercke Tîrgu Lăpuš 3 children 184
MATYAS F Widow Mozes Tîrgu Lăpuš 184
MATYAS Berci M Married Bella Tîrgu Lăpuš 184
MATYAS Bella FUCHSZ F Married Berci Tîrgu Lăpuš 184
MANDEL Herman M Tîrgu Lăpuš 184
MANDEL Dori F Herman Tîrgu Lăpuš 184
MARKOVITS F Widow Jicchak Bod Tîrgu Lăpuš 184
MARKOVITS Idu F Jicchak Bod Tîrgu Lăpuš 184
MARKOVITS Etje Ruchel F Widow Izrael Tîrgu Lăpuš 184
MARKOVITS Mechel M Married Tîrgu Lăpuš 184
MARKOVITS F Married Mechel Tîrgu Lăpuš 184
MARKOVITS F Lajos Tîrgu Lăpuš 184
MARKOVITS Lea F Lajos Tîrgu Lăpuš 184
MARKOVITS Izsak M Married Golde Tîrgu Lăpuš 184
MARKOVITS Golde F Married Izsak Tîrgu Lăpuš 184
MARKOVITS Dudi M Izsak Golde Tîrgu Lăpuš 184
MARKOVITS Herman M Married Cili Tîrgu Lăpuš 184
MARKOVITS Cili SPITZER F Married Herman Tîrgu Lăpuš 184
MARKOVITS Mili F Herman Cili Tîrgu Lăpuš 184
MARKOVITS David M Married Malka Tîrgu Lăpuš 184
MARKOVITS Malka F Married David Tîrgu Lăpuš 184
MARKOVITS Lajos M Married Ida Tîrgu Lăpuš Wheel manufacturer. 184
MARKOVITS Ida F Married Lajos Tîrgu Lăpuš 184
MARKOVITS Slojme M Tîrgu Lăpuš 184
MARKOVITS Piri F Slojme Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 184
MARKOVITS Cila F Moric Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 184
MARKOVITS Marton M Married Mirus Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 184
MARKOVITS Mirus STIGLITZ F Married Marton Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 184
MARKOVITS Matesz M Marton Mirus Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 184
MARKOVITS Kalman M Marton Mirus Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 184
MARKOVITS Mojse M Married Strîmbu-Băiuţ Tîrgu Lăpuš 5 children 184
MARKOVITS F Married Mojse Strîmbu-Băiuţ Tîrgu Lăpuš 5 children 184
MARKOVITS Lajos M Married Ilona Tîrgu Lăpuš 184
MARKOVITS Ilona BERKOVITS F Married Tîrgu Lăpuš 184
MARKOVITS Eszter F Lajos Ilona Tîrgu Lăpuš 184
MARKOVITS Steimetz Hersi M Lajos Ilona Tîrgu Lăpuš 184
MENDELSOHN Eszter BITTMANN F Tîrgu Lăpuš 2 children 184
MENDELSOHN Golde F Tîrgu Lăpuš her sisters 184
MENDELOVITS Dina F Olahlapos Tîrgu Lăpuš 3 children 184
MARMOR Mozes M Married Bella Tîrgu Lăpuš 185
MARMOR Bella FUCHSZ F Married Mozes Tîrgu Lăpuš 185
MESSZING F Jozsef Tîrgu Lăpuš 185
MESSZING Mordechaj M Jozsef Tîrgu Lăpuš 185
MESSZING Chajem Dov M Jozsef Tîrgu Lăpuš 185
PANETH F Widow Leopold Tîrgu Lăpuš 185
MARMOR IZRAEL F Miksa Tîrgu Lăpuš 7 children 185
MARMOR F Suciu de Sus Tîrgu Lăpuš children 185
MESSZING Salamon M Married Suciu de Sus Tîrgu Lăpuš children 185
MESSZING F Married Salamon Suciu de Sus Tîrgu Lăpuš children 185
MESSZING Hindel F Suciu de Sus Tîrgu Lăpuš children 185
MESSZING F Widow Aron Suciu de Sus Tîrgu Lăpuš 185
MITTELMAN Antal M Tîrgu Lăpuš Printer. 185
MITTELMAN Jite F Antal Tîrgu Lăpuš 185
MOSKOVITZ Slojme M Married Ida Tîrgu Lăpuš 185
MOSKOVITZ Ida MARKOVITS F Married Slojme Tîrgu Lăpuš 185
MOSKOVITZ Icu M Slojme Ida Tîrgu Lăpuš 185
MOSKOVITZ Kive M Married Szure Tîrgu Lăpuš 185
MOSKOVITZ Szure F Married Kive Tîrgu Lăpuš 185
MOSKOVITZ Zalmen Leib M Married Fani Tîrgu Lăpuš 185
MOSKOVITZ Fani F Married Zalmen Leib Tîrgu Lăpuš 185
MOSKOVITZ Chave F Leib Zalmen Fani Tîrgu Lăpuš 185
MOSKOVITZ Avrum M Married Hudesz Tîrgu Lăpuš children 185
MOSKOVITZ Hudesz F Married Avrum Tîrgu Lăpuš children 185
MOSKOVITZ Elje M Libotin Tîrgu Lăpuš 185
MOSKOVITZ Mendel M Married Suciu de Sus Tîrgu Lăpuš children 185
MOSKOVITZ F Married Mendel Suciu de Sus Tîrgu Lăpuš children 185
MOSKOVITZ Leib M Married Brane Suciu de Sus Tîrgu Lăpuš 6 children 185
MOSKOVITZ Brane KOHN F Married Leib Suciu de Sus Tîrgu Lăpuš 6 children 185
MOLDOVAN Mechl M Married Eszter Olahlapos Tîrgu Lăpuš 185
MOLDOVAN Eszter F Married Mechl Olahlapos Tîrgu Lăpuš 185
NEUMANN Lea MARKOVITS F Widow Mendel Tîrgu Lăpuš 3 children 185
NEUMANN Cipora F Răzoare Tîrgu Lăpuš 185
PANETH Abraham M Married Tîrgu Lăpuš 185
PANETH F Married Abraham Tîrgu Lăpuš 185
POLLAK Chaje Ruchl F Widow Leopold Tîrgu Lăpuš 185
POLLAK Vilmos M Married Rozsi Tîrgu Lăpuš grandson 185
POLLAK Rozsi KARL F Married Vilmos Tîrgu Lăpuš grandson 185
POLLAK Cizi F Vilmos Rozsi Tîrgu Lăpuš 185
POLLAK Herschl M Married Tîrgu Lăpuš On the list is written KOSZTENYER. 3 children 185
POLLAK F Married Herschl Tîrgu Lăpuš 3 children 185
POLLAK Herman M Married Resze Olahlapos Tîrgu Lăpuš 5 children 185
POLLAK Resze KOHN F Married Herman Olahlapos Tîrgu Lăpuš 5 children 185
POLLAK Berl M Married Alsószöcs Tîrgu Lăpuš 2 children 185
POLLAK F Married Berl Alsószöcs Tîrgu Lăpuš 2 children 185
POLLAK F Widow Moric Tîrgu Lăpuš 185
POLLAK Chava F Moric Tîrgu Lăpuš 185
POLLAK Smilu M Moric Tîrgu Lăpuš 185
RUTNER Izrael M Tîrgu Lăpuš 185
ROSENBERGER Rozsi MARKOVITS F Tîrgu Lăpuš 4 children 185
REB Jide M Tîrgu Lăpuš 185
REB Elke F Tîrgu Lăpuš 185
REB Zisel M Tîrgu Lăpuš 185
REB Smil M Tîrgu Lăpuš 185
REB Arje M Tîrgu Lăpuš 185
ROZENFELD Armin M Married Leni Tîrgu Lăpuš 186
ROZENFELD Leni JOEL F Married Armin Tîrgu Lăpuš 186
STIGLITZ Nuti M Tîrgu Lăpuš 186
ROZENBERG Smil Wolf M Married Jente Alsószöcs Tîrgu Lăpuš Blacksmith. children 186
ROZENBERG Jente GRUENSTEIN F Married Smil Wolf Alsószöcs Tîrgu Lăpuš children 186
RONAI Lili GRUENSTEIN F Laszlo Tîrgu Lăpuš child 186
SAJOVITS Eizik M Married Tîrgu Lăpuš 186
SAJOVITS F Married Eizik Tîrgu Lăpuš 186
SALAMON David M Married Reizel Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 186
SALAMON Reizel F Married David Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 186
SALAMON Degalje M David Reizel Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 186
SALAMON Smil M David Reizel Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 186
SALAMON Mati M David Reizel Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 186
SALAMON Itzchak M David Reizel Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 186
SALAMON Gersi M David Reizel Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 186
SALAMON David M Suciu de Sus Tîrgu Lăpuš children 186
SAMUEL Ida BERKOVITS F Lajos Tîrgu Lăpuš 3 children 186
SAMUEL Hani F Tîrgu Lăpuš 186
SAMUEL Ella F Tîrgu Lăpuš 186
SAUBER Herman M Bella Tîrgu Lăpuš 186
GOLDSTEIN Bella F Tîrgu Lăpuš mother of Herman SAUBER. 186
SAUBER Zelma F Herman Baba Tîrgu Lăpuš 186
SAUBER Ignatz M Married Gizi Tîrgu Lăpuš 186
SAUBER Gizi F Married Ignatz Tîrgu Lăpuš 186
SALAMON Dr. Miksa M Married Ella Tîrgu Lăpuš 186
SALAMON Ella F Married Miksa Tîrgu Lăpuš 186
SALAMON F Tîrgu Lăpuš mother of Miksa SALAMON. 186
SALAMON Izrael M Miksa Ella Tîrgu Lăpuš 186
SIMON F Widow Mendel Răzoare Tîrgu Lăpuš 186
SAMUEL Mojse M Married Tîrgu Lăpuš 2 children 186
SAMUEL F Married Mojse Tîrgu Lăpuš 2 children 186
SAMUEL Chune M Married Tîrgu Lăpuš children 186
SAMUEL F Married Chune Tîrgu Lăpuš children 186
SAMUEL David M Married Golde Tîrgu Lăpuš 186
SAMUEL Golde F Married David Tîrgu Lăpuš 186
SIMON F Jakab Tîrgu Lăpuš Widow of Jankl MASKER. 186
SIMON Jaszi M Jakab Tîrgu Lăpuš 186
SIMON Avrum M Married Frida Tîrgu Lăpuš Bartender. On the list is written MASKE. 5 children 186
SIMON Frida F Married Avrum Tîrgu Lăpuš On the list is written MASKE by “husband”. 5 children 186
SIMON David M Married Tîrgu Lăpuš Merchant. 186
SIMON F Married David Tîrgu Lăpuš 186
SIMON Zelde F Tîrgu Lăpuš 186
SIMON Seindl F Tîrgu Lăpuš 186
SIMON Mendel M Married Jente Tîrgu Lăpuš Merchant. 186
SIMON Jente F Married Mendel Tîrgu Lăpuš 186
Tobi SIMON F Mendel Jente Tîrgu Lăpuš 2 children 186
SIMON Gizi F Peteritea Tîrgu Lăpuš 186
SIMON F Tobi Tîrgu Lăpuš 186
SIMON Smil M Married Tîrgu Lăpuš Bartender. On the list is written MASKER. children 186
SIMON F Married Smil Tîrgu Lăpuš On the list is written MASKER by “husband”. children 186
SIMON Jechezkel M Married Tîrgu Lăpuš children 186
SIMON F Married Jechezkel Tîrgu Lăpuš children 186
SIMON Abraham M Married Strîmbu-Băiuţ Tîrgu Lăpuš children 186
SIMON F Married Abraham Strîmbu-Băiuţ Tîrgu Lăpuš children 186
SAMUEL Simon M Married Cili Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 186
SAMUEL Cili JEREMIAS F Married Simon Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 186
SAMUEL Gizi F Simon Cili Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 186
SAMUEL Piri F Simon Cili Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 186
SAMUEL Freida F Simon Cili Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 186
SAMUEL Smilu M Simon Cili Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 186
SAMUEL Lea F Simon Cili Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 186
SECHTER Bernat M Married Lenke Tîrgu Lăpuš 186
SECHTER Lenke SIMON F Married Bernat Tîrgu Lăpuš 186
SECHTER Artur M Bernat Lenke Tîrgu Lăpuš 186
SECHTER Sari F Tîrgu Lăpuš 186
SECHTER F Tîrgu Lăpuš mother of Sari SECHTER. 186
SCHWARTZ Daniel M Married Gitel Tîrgu Lăpuš 187
SCHWARTZ Gitel F Married Daniel Tîrgu Lăpuš 187
SCHWARTZ Maris BURA F Widow Tîrgu Lăpuš child 187
STEIN Matyas M Married Eszti Tîrgu Lăpuš 187
STEIN Eszti IDEL F Married Matyas Tîrgu Lăpuš 187
STEINMETZ Hindel F Widow Samuel Tîrgu Lăpuš 187
STEINFELD F Dezso Tîrgu Lăpuš 2 children 187
STEINMETZ Eszter F Tîrgu Lăpuš 187
STEINER Malcsi BERKO F Tîrgu Lăpuš 187
STERN Lazar M Married Mirjam Tîrgu Lăpuš 3 children 187
STERN Mirjam MOSKOVITZ F Married Lazar Tîrgu Lăpuš 3 children 187
STERN Elje M Married Tîrgu Lăpuš Merchant. On the list is written RESZTLIS. 3 children 187
STERN F Married Elje Tîrgu Lăpuš 3 children 187
SRETER F Marton Tîrgu Lăpuš 2 children 187
SZAPLONCAL Mojse M Married Hencse Tîrgu Lăpuš 2 children 187
SZAPLONCAL Hencse F Married Mojse Tîrgu Lăpuš 2 children 187
SZABOVITS Lazar M Married Golde Olahlapos Tîrgu Lăpuš 3 children 187
SZABOVITS Golde F Married Lazar Olahlapos Tîrgu Lăpuš 3 children 187
SZABOVITS M Dămăcušeni Tîrgu Lăpuš 187
TEITELBAUM Jicchak Smil M Married Chane Tîrgu Lăpuš 3 children 187
TEITELBAUM Chane F Married Jicchak Smil Tîrgu Lăpuš 3 children 187
TAUB Adolf M Married Strîmbu-Băiuţ Tîrgu Lăpuš 187
TAUB F Married Adolf Strîmbu-Băiuţ Tîrgu Lăpuš 187
TAUB Mendel M Married Szara Strîmbu-Băiuţ Tîrgu Lăpuš 2 grandchildren 187
TAUB Szara F Married Mendel Strîmbu-Băiuţ Tîrgu Lăpuš 2 grandchildren 187
TALLER F Widow Marton Tîrgu Lăpuš 187
TRAUB Slajme Hersch M Tîrgu Lăpuš 187
TRAUB Szender M Married Tîrgu Lăpuš 4 children 187
TRAUB F Married Szender Tîrgu Lăpuš 4 children 187
TRAUB F Tîrgu Lăpuš Mother of Szender TRAUB. 187
WEISZ Mendel M Married Matild Tîrgu Lăpuš 5 children 187
WEISZ Matild BERNATH F Married Mendel Tîrgu Lăpuš 5 children 187
WEISZ Lipe Tîrgu Lăpuš 187
WALDMAN Mihaly M Married Tîrgu Lăpuš 187
WALDMAN F Married Mihaly Tîrgu Lăpuš 187
WEISZ Jozsef M Married Tîrgu Lăpuš 187
WEISZ F Married Jozsef Tîrgu Lăpuš 187
WEISZ Mati F Jozsef Tîrgu Lăpuš 187
WALDMANN Beile F Widow Berl Tîrgu Lăpuš 187
WALDMANN F Widow Gero Tîrgu Lăpuš 3 children 187
WEINBERGER Abraham M Married Tîrgu Lăpuš blacksmith. 187
WEINBERGER F Married Abraham Tîrgu Lăpuš 187
WIEDER Maki Tîrgu Lăpuš 187
WIEDER Bela M Tîrgu Lăpuš 187
WOHL Roza F Tîrgu Lăpuš 187
ZUCKERMANN F Widow Aron Tîrgu Lăpuš 187
ZWEIG Abraham M Married Tîrgu Lăpuš 187
ZWEIG F Married Abraham Tîrgu Lăpuš 187
ZWEIG Rozsi F Abraham Tîrgu Lăpuš 187
ZWEIG Mendel M Married Tîrgu Lăpuš child 187
ZWEIG F Married Mendel Tîrgu Lăpuš child 187

Table of Contents
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TÎRGU LAPUS: Maramures judet [Tîrgu Lăpuş [Rom], Magyarlápos [Hun], Targu Laposului, Targu Lopus, Targul Lapush, Targul Lapusului, Tirgiu Lapus, Târgu-Lăpuş, Tîrgu Lăpuş, Târgul Lăpuşului, Târgul Lăpuşul, Lăpuş, Lăpuşul-Unguresc.]
Print Email
Alternate names: Tîrgu Lăpuş [Rom], Magyarlápos [Hun], Targu Laposului, Targu Lopus, Targul Lapush, Targul Lapusului, Tirgiu Lapus, Târgu-Lăpuş, Tîrgu Lăpuş, Târgul Lăpuşului, Târgul Lăpuşul, Lăpuş, Lăpuşul-Unguresc. 47°27' N, 23°52' E, NW Romania, 20 miles SE of Baia Mare (Nagybána), 50 miles NNE of Cluj-Napoca (Kolozsvár). Jewish population: 425 (in 1891). The town administers thirteen villages: Boiereni (Boérfalva), Borcut (Borkút), Cufoaia (Kohópatak), Dămăcuşeni (Domokos), Dobricu Lăpuşului (Láposdebrek), Dumbrava (Kisdebrecen), Fântânele (Lápospataka), Groape (Groppa), Inău (Ünőmező), Răzoare (Macskamező), Rogoz (Rogoz), Rohia (Rohi) and Stoiceni (Sztojkafalva).

JewishGen Hungary SIG
JewishGen Romania SIG
Dés..., Bethlen, Magyarlápos, Retteg, Nagyilonda és környéke (Tel Aviv, 197-)
Album hazahav: Zichronot miyaldotenu arba dorot shel kehilat Magyarlapos vehasviva (Jerusalem, 1982)
video . Site of something unidentified and trash filled. [Feb 2012]
local government website. [Mar 2013]
US Commission No. ROCE-0377

Alternate Hungarian names: Magyarlapos and Tîrgu-Lapus/Lapus/Targul Lapusului/ Targu Laposului/ Targu Lopus/Targul Lapush/Tiriu Lapus. Located in Maramures County at 4727 2352, 32.1 kilometers SE of Baia Mare. Cemetery address: Str. Mihai Eminescu nr. 6. The cemetery in Tîrgu Lapus (Magyarlapos) is the largest in the region known as 'tara lapusului', the area of Maramures south and east of Baia Mare, with 470 grave stones. --Responsible for site: Comunitatea Evreilor (Baia Mare), Str. Somesului Nr. 5, 4800 Baia Mare, Jud. Maramures, Romania. Tel: (40-62) 211-231 and Comunitatea Evreilor (Bucuresti), Str. Sf. Vineri 9-11, Bucuresti, Tel: (40-1) 157-441.

Key and caretaker paid by contributions: Mrs. Anna Pohlman, Str. Mihai Eminescu nr. 6, Tîrgu Lapus 4875, Jud. Maramures. Tel: (40-62) 466-893.
The Jewish community that used this isolated, urban, hillside cemetery was Orthodox. Razoare and Damacuseni also used this cemetery. No sign or maker. The cemetery is well cared for by Mrs. Anna Pohlman, whose father cared for the cemetery before the war and up to his death. She was born in the late 1930s and speaks Romanian and Hungarian. An ohel has been re-built recently by visitors from Israel and contains the head stones of two rabbis. Visitors have restored several other graves, either with concrete footings for the graves, or with cleaning and painting of the gravestones. Mrs. Pohlman herself has re-painted the lettering in several other stones and would like to undertake further steps to paint and otherwise protect the stones (e.g. setting upright those that are leaning and stabilizing others with concrete foundations). Although she receives sporadic contributions from visitors to the site, more substantial funds would be necessary for complete renovation. She says that 339 stones are in need of some kind of repair and that 31 have fallen to the ground completely. Mrs. Pohlman identified the oldest grave in the cemetery (which was photographed) and the most recent burial was in 1972 (Laife Kaufman). The cemetery contains a variety of stone forms - double stones, obelisks, multiple stone monuments, etc. and appears to reflect a relatively wealthy, prosperous community before W.W.II. Theft of stones is not currently a problem, although one section of the site (approximately 300-sq. m) was annexed to a neighboring garden shortly after the war (the stones were removed and were at one time seen in the foundation of the adjoining house). Mrs. Pohlman believes it was annexed in 1944. Most of the small numbered stones that were found next to a majority of the graves have also disappeared over time. More recently, an engraved metal plaque was stolen by a group of visiting art students.

A fence erected in 1990 and a locked gate protects the cemetery from most unwanted intruders, but children from the neighboring school are eager to get in an play amongst the stones. Thus, security is a slight threat. Weather erosion continues to take its toll. In light of the fact that the cemetery is so large, a caretaker's fee would be particularly appropriate in this case. Mrs. Pohlman confirmed our information that the name Sajovics was well known in the village of Ungureni, and reports that there were many with that name in Tîrgu Lapus. When asked to confirm the existence of a cemetery in Razoare, she said that there were only a few families in that village and that the only two people she knew of had been buried in Tîrgu Lapus. Because she grew up in a family of cemetery caretakers, Mrs. Pohlman is a knowledgeable informant on pre- and post-war Jewish life in Tîrgu Lapus. Jewish families employed her. She told one story of travelling to Baia Mare every week to have chickens koshered for local, elderly Jews after the war. It is clear that she has much to say about the cemetery and about Jewish culture in general - she would be an ideal informant for further oral history research.

The cemetery is reached by turning directly off a public road. Access to the cemetery is open with permission. A fence and a locking gate surround the cemetery. Size: on-site guess - 2,500-sq. m. The cemetery contains 470 marble, granite, limestone, or sandstone gravestones, regardless of condition or position with 439 in original location, regardless of condition. 66% of the stones are leaning. 31 stones are broken or toppled. 31 stones are not in original location. Vegetation and water drainage are not a problem. A photograph will determine the date of the oldest known gravestone. The cemetery contains tombstones that are flat shaped, smoothed and inscribed in Hebrew and/or Hungarian as well as gravestones with carved relief decoration, double tombstones, multi-stone monuments, obelisks, and horizontal placement. Some have traces of paint on their surface. Some have iron decorations or lettering. Some have cement footings for stones or cement grave boundaries. The cemetery owner is the national Jewish community. Adjacent properties are agricultural and residential. The cemetery is a bit smaller than in 1939 due to annexation of a small area for a kitchen garden. The cemetery is visited occasionally by organized Jewish group tours or private visitors. Theft of stones is the primary problem encountered between 1945 and the present. Maintenance: re-erection and cleaning of stones, clearing vegetation, painting stones, 1999 rebuilding ohel. Maintenance was by local caretaker and Federation and Jewish individuals from abroad. The ohel was re-constructed in 1999. Vegetation clearance is seasonal. The fence and gate were put up in 1990. Other repair work has been carried out occasionally over the last ten years. Within the cemetery are an ohel and other storage structures.

John DeMetrick and Christina Crowder, (formerly of Cluj, they have no further information), completed this survey on 22 April 2000 using a list of cemeteries known by the Jewish Community in Baia Mare. They visited the site on 8 April 2000 and interviewed Mrs. Anna Pohlman, Str. Mihai Eminescu nr. 6, Tîrgu Lapus 4875, Jud. Maramures. Tel: (40-62) 466-893.

BOIERENI: Targu Lapus, Maramures County [Boérfalva]
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47°23' N 23°56' E, 228.7 miles NNW of Bucureşti .Târgu Lăpuș (Hungarian: Magyarlápos; German: Laposch) is a town in Maramureş County, northernTransylvania, Romania, on the river Lăpuş. The town administers thirteen villages: Boiereni (Boérfalva), Borcut (Borkút), Cufoaia (Kohópatak), Dămăcuşeni (Domokos), Dobricu Lăpuşului (Láposdebrek), Dumbrava (Kisdebrecen), Fântânele (Lápospataka), Groape (Groppa), Inău (Ünőmező), Răzoare (Macskamező), Rogoz (Rogoz), Rohia (Rohi) and Stoiceni (Sztojkafalva).


Alternate Hungarian name: Boerfalva. Located in Maramures County at approximately 12km from Tirgu Lapus. It is hard to say where the cemetery was since we did not find anything there. Entering the village of Boiereni (there is only one way in), go towards the end of town. The cemetery was behind a home towards the end of town and off the left side of the road. There are no house numbers. We cannot find the name of the man that the house belonged to. In talking with a group of elderly folks in Boiereni, we were told that, at one time, there was a cemetery behind the house of one of the men with whom we were talking. When they were young, there were several wooden crosses that have since disappeared also. There is no trace of the cemetery today. They told us that 'no Jewish people lived in the village ever in their lifetimes'. Growing up in the village, they were all told that there were Jewish people living in Boiereni before the 1918 revolution, but that they all left around that time. They were likely referring to the Bela Kun uprising. The area is agricultural, on a hillside and isolated.

John DeMetrick and Christina Crowder, (formerly of Cluj, they have no further information), completed this survey on 22 April 2000 using a list of cemeteries known by the Jewish Community in Baia Mare. They visited the site on 13April 2000 and interviewed elderly of the village.

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