Ma numesc Mario Solomon .M-am nascut in Tg. Lapus judetul Maramures Romania in 12.11.1954.Am terminat
Liceul de cultura generala "Petru Rares".Am continuat studiile de medicina la Institutul de medicina si farmacie din Cluj-Napoca
pe care le-am terminat in anul 1979
Din 02.11.1982 locuiesc in Isrel-in orasul Askelon,si lucrez ca medic la Kupat Holim leumit
-una din agentiile de asigurari medicale din Israel
Taking a break from work
What a job!
I might describe my job in a little more detail here. I'll write about what
I do, what I like best about it, and even some of the frustrations. (A job with frustrations? Hard to believe, huh?)
Here's a list of some of my favorite movies:
Jules and Jim, Manhattan, Breaking the Waves
Here's a list of some of my favorite music:
Nirvana, Frank Sinatra, Ibrahim Ferrer